JUNE 01, 2023
Why is it important?
Naturopathically looking at preconception care, we would like to see a minimum of 3 months to positively impact overall egg and sperm quality to improve conception through diet and lifestyle modifications. It takes roughly 100 days for egg and sperm formation and maturation. Therefore, 3 months would be the minimum amount of time to make an overall impact. Optimally, we would like to see a 6 month preconception period to directly impact nutrient deficiencies, if any, and improve overall fertility parameters.
The most common nutrient that most people consider during pregnancy is Folate to be protective towards neural tube defects. Preconception management of folate levels are of great importance as the neural tube closure is completed within 28 days after conception.
Simple dietary and lifestyle steps can be taken to improve your fertility outcomes.
Foods to Include
Choose nutrient dense fresh seasonal foods and aim to eat organic whole foods where possible. The foods listed below are great if you eat a carnivore diet, yet plant based and vegetarian diets can still provide adequate nutrients. Working with a practitioner to make sure you are reaching all of your targets would be advised.
Wild caught salmon - high in essential fatty acids and EPA and DHA for foetal brain development.
Eggs - an ideal protein source for sperm and egg quality and a source of Choline.
Dark leafy vegetables (ideally organic) - contain a rich source of calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and folate.
Pomegranate - rich in antioxidants and CoQ10 to improve blood flow for the uterine lining.
Wild blueberries - rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients which are protective towards oxidative damage and reproductive cells.
Oysters - amazing for male fertility and preconception to increase libido and they are one of the richest food sources of zinc and selenium to improve sperm parameters.
Lifestyle Factors to Consider
Filtered water - zazen Water filters are top tier for preconception, remember if you don’t filter your water then your body will become the filter!
Ditch the perfumes and synthetic fragrances - these contain endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC’s) which are harmful to our overall health and can also directly impact our hormonal production.
Cleaning products - aim for natural cleaning products so you are not exposing yourself to chemicals. Harsh chemicals found in cleaning products have been shown to appear within cord blood, therefore they pass through the placenta.
Pick a natural deodorant - once again the EDC’s in generic deodorant can have a negative affect on fertility.
Abstain from alcohol and smoking.
Include some sun exposure each day - Vitamin D levels have been shown to have a direct positive effect on the intracellular communication between the oocyte and the sperm, directing the optimal sperm towards the egg.
Stress management - it’s easier said than done to ‘stress less’ or ‘relax’. Phrases like this are often counterintuitive. If someone tells you to ‘calm down’ do you immediately feel calm or do you find it exasperates your current emotions? Preconception can be a trying time so lean into support where possible to help manage your stress through:
Gentle exercise, yoga, breath work, mindfulness, meditation, journaling, reading, spending time outside in nature.
If you would like to chat more or book in for a preconception consultation reach out via socials or pop in to the Market Organics Ipswich store.
By Maddison Auld - Clinical Naturopath, Herbalist, Nutrition, BHSc Naturopathy, NHAA
First seen in the Seasonal Magazine: Winter 2023
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